Star Words – Sentences for fun

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Learning ENGLISH becomes a Game!

SKU: 012 Categories: ,


Smarty PUZZLE Star words is our Parolandia with the words of the English language.

This game is also multivalent like all Parolandia games: a party game for adults, a game for the family and, above all, an educational game for all those who, young and old, wish to learn (or even just improve) their knowledge of the English language.


  • 252 puzzle pieces, each with a word of the English language, colored according to the grammatical category
  • 2 wooden dice: NUMBER die and ACTION die
  • 1 cotton bag for the puzzle pieces
  • 1 instruction manual


Download the rules of Star Words

Star Words ITA

Star Words ENG

Star Words FR

For the composition of the puzzle pieces we have chosenEVA, a spongy material, coupled with a printed sheet. In this way the various pieces, which are detached and attached many times, unlike the classic puzzles, have the right strength to withstand all matches.

Colored Grammar:
The color of the pieces, 8 different, allows players to recognize the different grammatical categories. This will make it easy to teach the little ones how to construct sentences correctly, with the help of the colors of the pieces.

For the older players, however, this is a great help to find their way around the many pieces on the table.

Star Words belongs to the Smarty Puzzle family. A set of games based on the use of puzzle pieces to compose sentences, words or mathematical equality.

The puzzle pieces are all the same and made of a spongy material, which makes them very functional and allows you to play everywhere, without just a light tap on the table to cause the game to end.

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